HR Boutique: Maßgeschneiderte innovative Lösungen für eine multimediale Zeit

Our services

Job ads | Employer Branding | Executive Search

Fast Fashion HR war gestern. Bewerber:innen erwarten Jobausschreibungen, Executive Search und Employer Branding im Boutique Style. In unserer HR Boutique finden Recruiter:innen genau das richtige, um Ihr Unternehmen im passenden innovativen Stil zu präsentieren. Mit Wohlfühlfaktor.

These customers trust us

Job ads

Job advertisements that convince

The brutkasten job platform is the place where applicants find the information they are really looking for. For companies, it is the place to address the digital natives of today and tomorrow. Without compromise and with the least possible expenditure of money, time and resources.

Employer Branding

Reaching people where they are: in the digital realm.

With our employer branding products, we offer you the opportunity to position yourself as an innovative and attractive employer and thus find the right employees for you.

This is how we help you to present yourself authentically and find suitable employees

Native Ads

Content: well researched and placed., der Ort für die GestalterInnen der Zukunft – seit 2014


We place your content directly where the innovation, tech, ecotech and finance community in Austria expects it.

Employer Branding

Reaching people where they are: in the digital realm.

Mit unseren Employer Branding Produkten bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich als innovativer und attraktiver Arbeitgeber zu positionieren und dadurch die für Sie passenden MitarbeiterInnen zu finden. 

So helfen wir Ihnen sich authentisch zu präsentieren und passende MitarbeiterInnen zu finden

The Digital HR Workshop

Digital workshops are in our DNA.

The workshop for SMEs and STARTUPS who need honest support with job postings, employer branding and diversity issues. We offer simple and successful solution strategies.

Take care of your employees, they will take good care of your customers


Silvia Ressler

We look for the right personalities and competencies for listed companies, small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups when the going gets tough, demanding and tricky and you want to rely on expertise and quality. 

We combine traditional Executive Search with modern Mindset and Organizational Development.


Max Lammer

Do you want your company to become an irresistible employer? Do you want enthusiastic and loyal employees?

Why Employee Experience?
Because people are worth it.
And your business benefits.


We offer professional advice!
Die erste digitale Konferenz Österreichs:
Im April 2020 veranstaltete der brutkasten die digitale Wirtschaftskonferenz #zusammenstärker, um österreichische UnternehmerInnen in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie zu unterstützen
